Wholesale Drop-In Greens Bouquet 30-35 Stems Grower`S Mix Delivered Online | FlowerFarm


Elevate your floral arrangements with the lush Drop-In Greens Bouquet 30-35 Stems Grower's Mix. This bouquet features a generous assortment of greens, adding texture and vibrancy to bouquets, centerpieces, or any decorative display. Whether used as a filler or as a focal point, Drop-In Greens Bouquet brings versatility and charm to your floral creations. Embrace the delightful beauty of these greens, making every moment a celebration of love and grace with the natural allure of diverse foliage. Your perfect arrangement awaits. Order now and savor the freshness of flowers delivered straight from the farm by FlowerFarm.
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Units per Box
Delivered Unit Price
Delivered Box Price
Box Quantity
Total Delivered
Origin: USA
Grade/Length: None Specified
Units per Box: 5 bunches
Delivered Unit Price: $26.52
Delivered Case Price: $132.62
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:
Origin: USA
Grade/Length: None Specified
Units per Box: 10 bunches
Delivered Unit Price: $23.04
Delivered Case Price: $230.43
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:
Origin: USA
Grade/Length: None Specified
Units per Box: 15 bunches
Delivered Unit Price: $20.65
Delivered Case Price: $309.80
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:
Origin: USA
Grade/Length: None Specified
Units per Box: 20 bunches
Delivered Unit Price: $20.98
Delivered Case Price: $419.66
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:
Origin: USA
Grade/Length: None Specified
Units per Box: 25 bunches
Delivered Unit Price: $19.96
Delivered Case Price: $499.08
Box Qty:
Total Delivered Price:

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